The Critical Care Practitioner

ICU-Acquired Weakness and recovery from Critical Illness. N Engl J Med 370;17 april 24, 2014

An interview with Dr John Kress, an ITU physician from the University of Chicago. Dr Kress is a highly respected and well published doctor with an interest in ICU acquired weakness, one of his more well known papers being " Daily Interruption of Sedative Infusions in Critically Ill Patients Undergoing Mechanical Ventilation" which discussed the use of sedation breaks in the critically ill patients in intensive care.

Dr Kress very kindly agreed to help me understand some of the principles involved in this paper.

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Category:general -- posted at: 7:17am EST

Another busy time in the world of the Critical Care Practitioner! This episode focuses on a discussion I had with Kaye Rolls (@Kaye_rolls) Clinical Nurse Consultant at the Intensive Care Coordination & Monitoring Unit (ICCMU).

She and I had a Twitter discussion around a couple of articles she had read about the use of social media by health care professions.

The first was "Social media: the way forward or a waste of time for physicians?" J R Coll Physicians Edinb 2013; 43:318–22. This is an article in two parts giving opposite sides of the argument. Both Kaye and I certainly disagree with one of them!

The second article was "Twelve tips for using social media as a medical educator" Medical Educator 2014; 36: 284–290 which offers a number of hints for making the most of this valuable resource.

The recent Celebration Day Jam
by many involved in the NHS Change Day was a webinar led by Helen Bevan, a lady I am hoping to speak to in the near future. This was a fabulous day and very interesting...its the way of the future!

Direct download: CCP_011.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:36pm EST